On 25 May 2021, I volunteered to help out SST Open house. I was given the opportunity to answer parents and primary 6 students on their queries about SST.
To add on, I felt that it was an interesting experience to see primary 6 students being so interested in the SST curriculum. I am glad that I am able to be part of "askSST anything" today to make them more excited about our school and further spark their curiosity in maths and science (and many more). Being able to use my experiences I have gained so far in this school to share with the students on our perspectives is something that I would have looked forward to hearing if I was a primary 6 student again. I will definitely participate in similar events in the future to promote our school through my memorable experiences here.
After the event, there were some things I felt that I can improve on. Specifically,
Stay relaxed and calm. Instead of directly reading off a script, I should speak naturally and share more of my personal experiences to allow the audience to see an SST student's perspective.
Even when people asked questions that I have difficulties answering, I should still try to attempt a response rather than awkward silence. Helps to lighten the tensions.
Smile more and have a more lively tone to give the students a welcoming feel. Make them feel that SST is a positive environment to study in.
Engage more with the students and encourage them to ask more questions and clarify their doubts. Maybe relate to them with a topic they are familiar with to start a conversation (gaming?).
Howie CHIA
30 May 2021