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AI Manga Challenge

27 Sep 2023

Took part in SP's inaugural AI Manga Challenge (Sep 2023). Collaborated with SP students from other disciplines to form a team. Our submission was among the top 5. 


Deliverables (what was created?)
  • fully developed manga concept with different backgrounds and multiple characters

  • used generative AI to develop a story concept, characters, and a manga book cover


Outcomes (who benefited & how?) 

There is no real client for this project. The primary beneficiaries are SP students who signed up for this workshop and learned about the use case of generative AI for creative works. 

  • myself; gained experience pitching in front of a panel of judges

  • myself; learned to leverage Gen AI to speed up work processes, ideation and generate content 


Reflections (what worked well & and what can be improved?)

What worked well?

  • learned how to use AI to accelerate the art production process

  • gained insights from industry practitioners like Potato Productions and Woke Salaryman. Both advocate and have already implemented AI in their respective companies

  • shortlisted teams were given an opportunity to pitch in front of a panel of judges and a Live audience

What can be improved?

  • follow-up workshops as this Gen AI space is moving so quickly. 

  • a social networking group managed by one of the industry leads, (e.g. closed LinkedIn group) 

Read more: SP AI Manga Challenge blog post.  


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