13 Apr 2024
Joined LeX's SP-HUCE hosted in Hanoi, Vietnam. Applied Design Thinking skills in a different context. Learning beyond walls. Learned a new culture, and language, made new friends, and expanded my horizons.
Deliverables (what was created?)
a prototype that potentially help solve the air pollution in Long Thong village
a short publicity video summarising LeX's SP-HUCE cultural learning experience ​
Outcomes (who benefited & how?)
Villagers staying at Long Thong village. As our product is only a prototype, no real measurable outcomes at the time of this writing. ​
myself; learned and applied Design Thinking in a foreign context
myself; designed and created a working prototype within 5 days
myself; designed and created a publicity video that summarized SP students' experience
myself; new network of friends from HUCE
myself; learned a new language (Vietnamese)
Reflections (what worked well & and what can be improved?)
What worked well?
built strong bonds among the SP students who went for this LeX
created a new detailed storyboard from which my video was based
crowd-sourced for additional images/footage used for my publicity video
What can be improved?
The gallery walk at HUCE could be done before presenting our prototype to the villagers at Long Thong and Nom villages. So that feedback from gallery walk can be incorporated.
SP teachers could inform students ahead of the trip that completing a video was part of the joint deliverables. Students would then be able to organize internally to share the load of gathering images/ videos/ sound bites that could be used at the end of the trip.
LeX participants could be tasked to do a reflective piece (blog post, short video reflection, etc.)
More opportunities for SP students to bond with HUCE students
Follow-up activities related to the prototypes shared, i.e. if HUCE students/teachers are keen to follow up on the ideas presented, there is a way to continue the conversation
Read more: LeX @ Hanoi 2024 blog post.