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LTA Car-lite

14 Nov 2023

Participated in LTA's Car-lite challenge to promote the benefits of a Car-Lite lifestyle through raising awareness via an infographic competition. Applied skills in project management, research design, and infographic design. 


Deliverables (what was created?)
  • 15 infographics within a period of 10 weeks

  • Padlet consolidating all infographics submitted

  • Final Report (PPT deck) to LTA

  • Process flow on how we ran the campaign

  • Rubric to assess submissions fairly


Outcomes (who benefited & how?)

Project's client was LTA. This project's 

assignment was an indirect way of introducing students to the concepts of typography, visualization, and composition.


  • participants; gained knowledge in the benefits of a car-lite challenge

  • participants; CCA participation points

  • myself; got to learn more about Little India (sight, sounds, and food) during the onsite research & recce 

  • myself; learned new software (Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop)​

  • myself; leadership points


Reflections (what worked well & and what can be improved?)

What worked well?

  • Good planning & coordination

  • Team SSPP stayed committed

  • Provided clear instructions to participants

  • Kept our SP instructor regularly updated

  • Completed the project within the 2.5-month deadline


What can be improved?

  • Real SMEs (from LTA) to improve quiz quality

  • Increased publicity efforts, bring in more participants

  • Integrate Gen-AI as part of 2024’s Car-Lite challenge to create an engaging mini-video (1-2 mins) clip that advocates the merits of going Car-Lite. SP can conduct workshops to train participants on how to use Gen-AI (chatGPT, Dall-e, etc.) to create visuals, storyboards, or even the full video using purely text prompts. The workshop can be co-designed with LTA to infuse Carlite initiatives into the lesson plan (e.g. how LTA has embraced the use of AI). 


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