Every year as my school term comes to an end, my mother’s birthday approaches. To celebrate her birthday and give her a break from the daily grind, my father brought my sister and me to D’Resorts!
As my father had to work that day, my mother brought us to the resort first. Alas, we realised we were only able to check-in much later in the afternoon. So, we went to cool ourselves down at the nearby water park, “WildWildWet” instead. The moment I stepped inside, I jovially changed into my swimming costume and headed for the water rides!
Even though we played the waterpark several times before, I still find the family rides, “Royal Flush”, “Slide Up” and “Ular Lah” enjoyable. However, we did not stay in the park for long as the sweltering heat during noon was just too much.
So, we retreated back to the comfort of our air-conditioned hotel room. Shiok! Other than the two big teddy bears and television channels, everything else is the same. There used to be several channels to watch movies, but now only the Singapore free-to-air channels are available.

For dinner, my grandparents joined us at a famous chicken rice stall at E!Hub called “Mr Chicken Rice”. This place has an interesting history! The boss of the restaurant opened his own chicken rice stall after being retrenched in 2007. He was working as a chef at the Mandarin Hotel at Chatterbox for thirty-five years! That is a lot of chicken rice served! Also, my grandma brought my dad to eat at his stall when he was at my age! Sadly, he would be closing down his stall around March next year. This would probably be the last time we are eating at his stall.
Even though we might come back to the resort again for my birthday next year, I would not miss his chicken rice as it is just not good. Definitely not Food-King-Good. With our tummies full, we returned to our comfy hotel room to have a good night’s rest.

Howie Chia 15 November 2019