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Science Castle Conference 2020 - Before the competition

Updated: Apr 11, 2022

Now can I have Team Hickam to present their slides?” The organiser announced. My heart started throbbing quickly as if it was trying to break free from my lungs. I took in a deep breath and started my presentation...

About 30 days before the competition, I received a message from Science Teacher, Mr Tan. He instructed the respective teams to create and submit a video about their projects by 26 October 2020.

As it was the final year exam preparation period, I brushed it aside. When the exam was over, our team continued to work on the presentation slides and script for Science Castle competition, but we totally forgot about the video submission.

Fortunately, Yeji chanced upon the email on the day of submission and we quickly contacted Mr Tan as well as one of the event organizers, Ms Elizabeth Wee. The other teams had already submitted and had a head start in the voting. Team Stan Loona from Philipines was clearly ahead with 1,000+ views within 5 hours of posting the video.

I quickly contacted my science teacher and consolidated our final presentation slides. I sent our team’s video together with the slides and hoped for the best. We were so relieved to see our video posted on the Science Castle youtube page.

The race for “People’s Choice” award begins…

Over the span of the next 24 hours, something amazing happened. Our uploaded youtube video’s views and likes kept on increasing. This was due to a combined effort from our team’s family and friends. Yeji, Joel and I messaged all our friends, requesting them to support our project by giving it a “like”.

From 13 to 400!

Over the next 48 hours, our video would eventually hit 1,300 views and garnered 400 plus likes!

I could not stop myself from checking the video every once in a while. It was so exciting watching our video’s views and “likes” increase steadily. Haha! Interestingly, the Philippines team Stan Loona that was originally leading in views and likes, but stagnated, also suddenly increased dramatically. They would surge into the lead once again. Similarly, the Japan team NITIC also caught up very quickly, hitting 1300 views and 300 "likes".

The eventual winner of the People’s choice has not been decided yet. Even if we did not win, it was an exciting experience seeing our videos compete against others. I had a most enjoyable time working with Yeji and Joel in this project. Go go go... team Hickam!


Along the way, our youtube video received several encouraging comments.

One of our SST seniors, Naythan, asked us specific questions that challenged our assumptions about the project. I was most happy to respond to Naythan’s questions.

All feedback is good feedback! Its only through feedback that we gain insights and get better.

Related links:

Howie Chia

3 November 2020

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