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SST Open House 2018

Updated: Jun 25, 2018

I requested to shift my weekly Maths tuition class to the earliest slot today so as to spend more time at School of Science and Technology (SST) Open House later. And boy was it worth it!

My cousin Xixi who is also sitting for PSLE this year, joined me. It was raining cats and dogs but that did not deter hundreds of people from visiting. The car park was squashed like a can of sardines.

A very confident student leader, Hoi Seng brought a huge group of visitors around. Xixi and I followed and got to know more about the school. We saw many interesting places, but the one that stood out for me was their Computing+ lab.

It had a workshop where you can hands-on and build robots! Later, there was a mini-competition where 2 teams of players controlled robots in a race to collect more boxes.

Is this where I can become "Tony Stark"? :)
Is this where I can become "Tony Stark"? :)

Another part of the lab had a slew of shiny iMacs where many people were trying to solve some programming challenges. Xixi and I teamed up and managed to get up to stage 7 where we got stuck. Fortunately, the boy next to me was quite good and able to guide us to a solution. To my surprise, it was my RVPS friend from P3! We talked briefly and managed to take a picture before our parents dragged us out of the lab. We could have continued playing there forever... ha ha!

It was much more lively than SJI. Both schools had distinctive features. At SJI, I felt a strange sense of calmness when I entered the school. Cannot really explain it. Over at SST, everyone was very excited and there are so many activities going on, some of which are not even official ECAs!

My friend Ryan from RVPS, P3. Now at Nanyang GEP :p
My friend Ryan from RVPS, P3. Now at Nanyang GEP :p

Chia Howie

6 Diligence, RVPS

26 May 2018

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