I chanced on this video on "Why Design Matters" back in 2015 and its started getting me interested in #design. Be it product design, web page design, app design, infographics, video, etc. the world of design influences our daily lives.
Design is not just about looking good, but more importantly that it is functional and does what it was intended to do, but better.
"Good design helps us to be the best version of ourselves."
So, when joining SST, I was delighted to have many opportunities to learn and create things that allows me to apply design.
To help me reflect and gauge evolution of my skill level, I consolidated some of my better works into my online portfolio under "DESIGN". Hopefully, this also allows me to get feedback from friends, fellow students and teachers. From which I can know what areas I can further improve upon as I continue in designing my "Design journey" ahead. :)