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  • Writer's pictureHowie Chia

Day 3 @Vietnam 2023

Updated: Jan 27

Fansipan Mountain and Herbal Bath & Massage

Mr. Vincento advised us to start the day early as he had many things planned for us. So, by 7:45 am my family had finished our buffet breakfast and were on our way to Fanispan Mountain. We would first take a 20-minute (not joking!) cable car ride to reach the top of Fansipan Cable Car Station. Then take another tram to the Fanispan Summit. 

So crowded! And this is during non-peak season… !!

Getting there is a bit of a hassle because you would have to buy the correct tickets, join the correct queues, and make the right transfers. Unless you know how to read/speak Vietnamese, it's going to be a huge time waster. Factor in the huge crowd moving around, this will likely be a stressful experience. Fortunately, Mr Vincento settled everything for us. Quite pampered, in that, we just show up and move around like sheep as he herds us safely to our destinations.  

Right at the top, I was surprised at how many people were there patiently waiting for their turn to take photos. They even had huge flags that you could borrow for photo-taking. Mr Vincento explained that if we wanted, we could have also climbed the 650 steps that lead directly to the summit, which is the highest point in all of Vietnam! Something I will definitely consider next time I am back. 

After we bid farewell to Fansipan Mountain, Mr Vincento then brought us to La Dao Spa & Coffee House. This coffee house is one of the highlights of the trip. I marveled at the scenery from the second floor of this coffee house’s viewing gallery as much as I enjoyed their aromatic coffee. After that, I was treated to a special herbal bath that helped ease my tired body. We were able to choose different types of massages from full body, back, or foot. My dad picked full body massage (only SGD16!) for both of us. The boys were led to one room, while my mom, grandma, and sister went for their bath and massage in another room.

After an enjoyable afternoon, the driver would bring us back to the Sapa KK Hotel. We would have some time to rest before being whisked to our dinner venue. For my grandma, these dedicated drivers were especially helpful. However, I have to admit that even for my able-bodied self, I am feeling very pampered having a guide and driver plan everything for us. My parents especially were enjoying this all-planned service as they no longer had to bicker about what to do (something I witness on most family holidays) on which days… knowing very well that Vincento would plan the best course of action. 

The day ended with me playing pool with my dad in the hotel lobby. Funny how we had to come to another country for an activity like this… haha! And that marks the end of Day 3.

Chia Howie 11 Dec 2023

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