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My Experience

Life is all about gaining different experiences. I like trying out new things and taking on interesting challenges. Here are some of my more memorable experiences over the years. 

Leadership positions

Some of my formal leadership roles in reverse chronological order.

Class rep

Class rep (Sep 2023 - Feb 2024)

My first leadership experience in SP was being the class rep of my new class, DM04. Working alongside Pixel, we are the bridge between lecturers and students.  


Chairperson, SST Guitar Club Ensemble (Mar 2021 - Apr 2022). 

During this time, SST Guitar Club members grew by x% and won the following team awards: 

  • Singapore Youth Festival (SYF) Instrumental Ensemble (Distinction) in 2019 & 2021

  • Singapore Raffles International Music Festival (SRIMF) GOLD Award in 2019

Student Council

Student councilor, School of Science & Technology (Nov 2019 - Apr 2022). 

As a prefect, I supported my school in helping maintain discipline, assisting teachers, mentoring peers, and organizing events, while setting a positive example for other students.

Chief Design Officer

Chief Design Officer, SST (2020 - 2021). 

As SST's CDO, my role was to create digital collatorals (e.g. greeting cards for our social media pages) for various school events.

Non-leadership roles

Not every job needs to be a formal leadership role for us to conduct ourselves in a leaderful way. So, these are the other "jobs" that I had fun experiencing. 

Server at Shangri-la

I once read that before you can lead, you need to learn how to serve. So, what better way than be a server (pun intended)? This was my first experience creating my own opportunity while working as a waiter at Shangri-la's "The Line" Restaurant. 

Freelance web designer

Batey hackathon (Sep, 2023) taught us to create our opportunities. So, I went to engage a real client for my new school assignment on user experience design & and research. This gave me a feel of what's it like to manage real-world deadlines and deliverables. With some help from ChatGPT, I drafted a contract and charged a client for my services. At the end of the semester, I replaced his current underperforming webpage while completing my school assignments and got paid for it. Win-win.  


During secondary school, I hosted some events. To build upon my hosting skills, I joined SP's COMPERES club. As I collect more experiences in SP, I will be updating this category with new stories.

  • coming soon!

ICT Facilitator

Although I have done a few different facilitation over the years, I still recall fondly my first experience (back in 2018!) as a facilitator. Another reason why this holds a special place in my heart is because my grandpa greatly encouraged me and worked closely with me on this project.  

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